Mint 2 Azuki Demon and Get 1 Free
Your Azuki Demon Can't wait to meet you!

Azuki Demon

6666 Azuki went through a chemical explosion, living underground on the ETH blockchain. Azuki Demons are bigger, more brutal and stronger.
Azuki Demon is Created by 3 Azuki Holders. Once you mint an Azuki Demon, you will get the Azuki Demon DAO membership and Airdrop $ZUKI token rewards. Meanwhile, you can get the ticket to receive 3D Azuki Demon and NFT Derivatives airdrop and play to earn $ZUKI in Zuki Ecosystem.
In addition to the appreciation of NFT holder, Azuki Demon DAO will distribute a portion of the net revenue to all holders at a fixed time, such as quarterly. The amount will be calculated based on the proportion to their holdings.
Azuki Demon, Chapter 1: Our Story
We are the untold story of Azuki Demon left-behind.. Tribes – scattered and lost in the wild after that fateful night that fractured everything.
Illuminating, like a thousand suns, the monolith projected blinding beams in a myriad of directions. Night turned to day. Many were struck where they stood and for that moment time stood still.
Pre-mint & Staging Phase
  • Official website launch
  • Marketing and awareness
  • Amplification via collaboration with Twitter verified influencers
Mint Phase
  • 6666 max supply
  • Launch of secondary marketplace on OpenSea and LooksRare
Periodical Floor Sweeps
  • 25% Mint ETH will Periodically Floor Sweep to maintain the floor price Above Minting Price.
  • We want to ensure our early Azuki Demon Holder to be profitable.
Weekly Potential 10X NFT Recommendation
  • We use tools to Monitor NFT Whales to find out trending Potential 10X NFT Project.
  • As BAYC and MAYC OG Investor, Our team knows how to invest potential NFT Project at Early Stage.
50% – SOLD
  • All AzukiDemon Holder get put in a raffle for 2 x Arcade Land NFT
  • AzukiDemon must be listed above 0.5E to qualify for raffle
75% – SOLD
  • All AzukiDemon Holder get put in a raffle for 2 x Cool Pet NFT
  • AzukiDemon must be listed above 0.5E to qualify for raffle
100% – SOLD OUT
  • All AzukiDemon get put in a raffle for 1 x Azuki NFT
  • AzukiDemon must not listed for sell or be listed above 0.5E to qualify for raffle


Marketing + Community Demon
Professional Demon/digital marketer by day. A catalyst for memorably fun but bad decisions by night. Demon too much into streetwear.


Creative Direction + Art Demon
With 8 years of experience in the creative space across a multidisciplinary career, Zodd is the creative rocketfuel that will take the Mafia Demon Club to the moon.


Web3 Advisory + Developer Demon
With 4 years of experience in the crypto space, a fellow NFT degen, an a massive Web 3 advocate, Flynn has dedicated his time to working with Jack to ensure the Mafia Demon Club will require the lowest possible amount of gas to mint utilizing ERC721A.


Community Demon
With years of experience in community building and development, Tyler first start building communities on Clubhouse before transitioning to Discord and Twitter. Tyler is the drumbeat of our tribe as we advance together.


Community Demon
A veteran community builder having worked for some of the most well-known Web 2.0 brands, Cee has been Web 3 influenced by the team, and now provides his energy and social prowess to the Tribe alone.


Developer Demon
A Jack of all trades, and a master of Solidity, Jack is the swiss army knife of the team when it comes to development, and carries the infrastructure of the tribe on his capable shoulders.
How many can I mint at one time??
– You will be able to mint up to 5 Azuki Demon per transaction.
Will there be early access/whitelist??
– Only Alpha OGs. For more information on our twitter or Discord server.
Where can I sell on secondary market??
– You will be able to trade your NFTs on OpenSea.
How many Azuki Demon NFTs are available??
– 6,666 Azuki Demon NFTs are available
Will it be a delayed reveal or instant reveal??
– You will be able to view your NFT after its reveal in your MetaMask Mobile Wallet or on OpenSea.